Nats/ July 31, 2020/ an eastside story (mainly Croatia), kaua'i bulletin - english blog

One innocent morning I strolled the steps down to the village promenade, as some feeling made me look after our boat. And at sight I immediately wondered: something looked different! Even after the boat floated peacefully on the water, it was too close to the shore! I ran up the staircase and called “Captain Ryan”, I don’t wanted to go into that “investigation” alone, maybe I could influence some “evidence”. 😉

The hook was detached! Was ist magic? Was it mystery? Was is sabotage? How can a carabiner come undone? We simply had no answer. And how long was the boat off the hook? Did no one see something, did no one hear the bumping on the rocks?

We hoped the best, it really looked all good and so we hooked it up again and attached a second, security rope. Safety first! A few days later we took our boat for a ride, a little bit of fishing and swimming at the outer islands was our desire.

Als we reached our favorite reef and stood together in the back of the vessel we suddenly became wet feet. Seawater sloshed ankle-high around were we stood. Houston, we have a problem. Actually we have a hole in the hull. With a cup and a sponge we started to ladle the water out of the boat.

But than we decided to not panic and enjoy fishing and swimming first, it was beautiful. And as long as we did not move anywhere nothing happened and the interior stayed dry. On the way back through forward movement we again pressed water through the double-hull-hollow into the boat, a little, now already expected bathtub appeared after a while.

The same day we pulled the boat out the water and let the water run and dry out. Even an additional hole had to be drilled into the deck. My surfboard-shaper had again to repair boats instead of boards – with his resin and fiberglass knowledge no problem. And after a few days everything was fixed and ready to got! Nothing and no one can stop us!! 😉

You’re scheming on a thing that’s a mirage, I’m trying to tell you now, it’s sabotage

Beastie Boys