Nats/ May 10, 2018/ kaua'i bulletin - english blog

I must confess, I am not really a “girl” anymore, hehe, I am more like young at heart and right in my middle ages, so that people could say “she is probably in her midlife crisis!” 😉 But that is by the way an important point: why is it common to think, that the so called midlife crises are truly a crisis?! Isn’t it more an awakening, a getting aware of life?! I feel more like Mark Twain said:

The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.

As I found out “why” I decided to change my life, I still can’t belive that things like that can happen for real! 😉 So let me introduce myself: I am nats, a german-croatian lady who made a journey around the world all by herself in 2015. Most of this homepage is about that worldtour, where I started to write a blog in German to let my beloved people at home know, where and how I am. And so I traveled the world, got to know awesome places and charming people, learned a lot about nature, life – and me. Before, while and after that exceptional journey I went through certain mindsets, what at the end made me pack up in Germany and start a new life in Croatia and Kaua’i with my husband. That settling down in a new life is where the next big part of this blog is about. But again mostly in German. Except the part kaua’i bulletin, where I write about life, universe and everything 😉 in english, to improve language and skills in one of my passions: telling little stories. 🙂

It was here in New Zealand where I asked myself for the first time, if an other place could feel like home and if serious plans you made in your life so far could maybe be changed? This country somehow blew my mind. 🙂 And there on the southern island of NZ  I for the frist time heard about the mystic beach Polihale, what led me to Kaua’i. The rest is history… 😉

Don’t be pushed by your problems, be led by your dreams. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)